Taken to a carp ark, but no carp here... Instead met big yellow monster, I tried to make friends with it and it even let me get close, but then it magically grew a new arm and started making loud narsty noises.

Monster started to break things and move things but no-one seemed to stop him. I also investigated other parts of the ark. There were many nooks and crannies which would have made lovely houses for Leon if it weren't for the noise and the lack of fluff.

Managed to escape the yellow monster and found Sapien "caff". Much more pleasant. Got to carry out more experiments with Sapien food. Discovered sossigies. They were warm and squishy and wrapped in white blankets to keep them from getting cold.

On return to monster site I observed all Sapiens wearing yellow jakkits. I stealthily acquired one to blend in.

I had less luck with the hats though...

Decided to observe monster from distance just to be safe, then headed home for rest and recuperation... Enjoying the non-grey glow in the sky very much. Toasty :o)

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