Thursday, 19 June 2008


Hello fellow ludens!

I just want to tell a short story about me and where I come from. I is a humble starfish of the class Asteroidea. I not sure if that mean I come shootin down from space, I din't remember bein born so mebbe I is alien starfish? Praps come from woolly galacksy somewear near Lepufo?

Anyhoo, since I can remember I has always like beeches coz they is golden, soft and comfy to lie on. They is also near water but coz of my fur I ain't good to go in the see. I has discuvvered many beeches during mishuns, which make Leon very happy. However, I is also sad starfish as I is not like other ones I find on beeches - mebbe this is more evvydence of alien orrigins? Earth starfish can do strange things like catch fuds by throwing stommaks outside body. I have tried this - it not wok for me. I do better with things like cumber sammiches and netteltee. Also favourite is FISHYCHIPS! Praps this is becoz they come from see?

So, in conclewshun, I fink that mebbe Leon is like Clar Kennt? Was shot down from mebbe dyein woolly plannit to save him and now has superpowers like bein good at growing new armsislegsis, learning new skillz like being cross, and making stuff from woolly. These are definitely not skillz seen in Earth starfish. That's it, that's The End.

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